Dalarna Finished
I finished the Dalarna socks last night. We had our first real snow storm yesterday so I left work early to finish the socks. Now I can work on the aran peace fleace sweater. Hoping the plow does not come for a while.
Regia 4 fadig - color 2002
size 1 crystal palace dp's
Dalarna pattern from "Knitting on the Road"
Not really excited about this pattern. It was quite boring with all the knit stitches. Alot of knit stitches. I found myself forgetting where I was in the clock pattern and lots of frogging was done to make this pair. I did not do the toe listed in the pattern I made a regular toe, kitchner finish. The pattern suggested a 8 1/2" leg, I knit to 6". Awaiting next vote for April/May. I hope it is Canada. I found the perfect yarn in Maine last weekend.
I guess I need to go out side now and shovel. One do
or we kept clear but the other door will not budge. Lots of drifting snow and the plow has not been by. Paper delivery person got stuck this morning on our hill. Dan's car is pretty much stuck in the driveway; we had to push it up the hill last night. I have a 4 wheel drive truck, truck not stuck.
Well even if you didn't love knitting them....they sure are pretty socks!!!
Sympathy on the snow. By March it's on old story, especially the shoveling.
Here in SW Michigan we're back to below freezing temps, but not snow yet. I'm sure we'll get more before winter is completely over, but we won't be happy to see it.
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